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The cassatelle of Agira are baked with ancient origins that the housewives of Agira, a small town of â ennese, used to prepare for the holidays.
Was officially recognized and listed as a traditional Italian food products (Ar T) of the Ministry of agriculture, food and forestry policies (Mipaaf) is appreciated overseas.
Received the Luigi Veronelli who is born in 2006, two years after the disappearance of the great Italian food and wine journalist and writer.
The cassatelle of Agira follow a particular procedure for preparation, giving them a taste, smell and a very distinctive appearance. Present themselves as crescents of pastry inside which there is a delicious and tasty filling made from ground almonds, cocoa, flour, sugar and cinnamon.
Agira is also the city where is nato Diodorus Siculus which is lived between the 1st century BC. BC and ad, was regarded by the Greeks "father of history" together with Herodotus.
Travel very much for three continents known to deepen his studies.
Back in Rome, his new acquaintances mountain to write a colossal universal history, entitled "Library" in forty volumes, of which there are only fifteen volumes.
His work, translated into several languages, taken from Egyptian mummification technique to science Mesopotamian urbanism from the period prior to the Trojan war to the conquests of Julius Caesar in Gaul.
In the sala della Biblioteca Comunale di Agira a painting depicts him reading ancient Papyri while the goddesses of history (Clio) and wisdom (Pallas) the Crown.
from the site of the town