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To truly understand the International Women's Day, Women's Day that is necessary to go back to the Second Socialist International in 1907 in Stuttgart. There the major Marxist leaders also discussed the issue of the time women, the socialist parties decided to fight for the introduction of universal suffrage for women.
The organ of the International Socialist Women became the magazine Die Gleichheit (Equality) written by Clara Zetkin.
Thanks to the proposed Corinne Brown in May 1908 founded the Woman's Day, every Sunday the Socialist Party of Chicago discutteva with all women intervened exploitation operated by employers against them in terms of low wages and working hours, gender discrimination and the right to vote to women. This was extended by the party to all sections of American. Thus was born in the United States the first Women's Day February 23, 1909.
The awareness of its social role pushed the great strike of twenty thousand seamstress in New York that lasted nearly three months.
In 2010, 28 February, the Woman's Day aimed to unite the union claims to those policies.
While the United States continues to be held on the last Sunday of February, in some European countries - Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Denmark - Women's Day was held for the first time since March 19, 1911, in Germany, "March 19 1848, during the Revolution, the King of Prussia had for the first time to recognize the power of a people in arms and surrender before the threat of a proletarian revolt.
In France, the event was held March 18, 1911, the date on which marked the fortieth anniversary of the Paris Commune as well as in Vienna. Sweden took
place on 1 May 1911, with the Job Day.
In St. Petersburg in 1913.
The First World War interrupted the demonstrations in all the belligerent countries, as long as in St. Petersburg, on 8 March 1917, women in the capital led a large demonstration which demanded the end of guerraQuella date was chosen as the "International Day for the worker."
In Italy March 12, 1922 was the first International Women's Day organized by the Communist Party of Italy, who founded the fortnightly companion, to remember their struggles in the overthrow of tsarism.
The strong political connotation Women's Day, the political isolation of Russia and the communist movement, and finally, the events of World War II, contributed to the loss of historical memory of the real origins of the event. Thus, after World War II, began to circulate fanciful versions Despite the research carried out by different feminists in the late seventies and eighties have demonstrated the fallacy of these reconstructions, the same are still widespread both among the media that the propaganda of the trade unions.
the UN proclaimed 1975 "International Year of Women". This was followed on 15 December 1975 by the proclamation of the "United Nations Decade for Women:
equality, development and peace" On 16 December 1977 by resolution 32/142, the General Assembly of the United Nations proposed to each country, respecting the historical traditions and local customs, to declare one day a year "United Nations Day for Women's rights and international peace" the Assembly recognized the role of women in peace efforts and recognized the urgency to end discrimination and to increase support to a full and equal participation of women in civil and social life of their country. On March 8, which was already celebrated in several countries, became the official date of many nations.
In Italy it was the UDI, Union Women in Italy, to celebrate the March 8, 1945, the first day of the woman in the zones of freedom. The women belonged to the Communist Party, the Socialist Party, the Action Party, the Left and the Christian Democracy of Labor.
London meanwhile sent to the UN Charter a woman containing demands for equal rights and work. With the end of the war, on March 8, 1946 was celebrated throughout Italy and saw the first appearance of its symbol, the mimosa.
In the early fifties, years of the Cold War and the Ministry Scelba, distribute or disseminate that day mimosa We women, the monthly Italian Women Union (UDI), became an act "likely to disturb public order"
The political climate improved in the following decade, but the applicant still does not get the public hearing until, with the seventies, in Italy there appeared a new phenomenon: the feminist movement.
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